In 1937, Ralph Loziers, general counsel of the National Institute of Oilseed Production, told the Congressional committee studying marijuana prohibition that hempseed is used in all the Oriental nations and also in a part of Russia as food. It is grown in their fields and used as oatmeal. Millions of people every day are using hempseed in the Orient as food. They have been doing this for many generations, especially in periods of famine.
That was over 60 years ago. Today we know hempseed is the plant kingdoms richest source of life-giving essential fatty acids, and may well be the cure for cancer and heart disease.
Hempseed: Humanitys Best Single Food Source |
Of the 3 million plus edible plants that grow on Earth, no other single plant source can compare with the nutritional value of hempseeds. Both the complete protein and the essential oils contained in hempseeds are in ideal ratios for human nutrition. Only soybeans contain a higher percentage of protein. However, the composition of the protein in hempseed is unique in the vegetable kingdom. Sixty-five percent of the protein content in hempseed is in the form of globulin edestin. (The word edestin comes from the Greek edestos, meaning edible.)
The exceptionally high edestin content of hempseed combined with albumin, another globular protein contained in all seeds, means the readily available protein in hempseed contains all the essential amino acids in ideal proportions to assure your body has the necessary building blocks to create proteins like disease-fighting immunoglobulins antibodies whole job is to ward off infections before the symptoms of sickness set it.
Cannabis seed protein even allows a body with nutrition-blocking tuberculosis, or almost any other nutrition-blocking ailment, to get maximum nourishment.
Even more important for building a strong immune system, hempseeds are the highest source in the plant kingdom of essential fatty acids. These essential oils, linoleic and linolenic acids, are responsible for the luster your skin, hair, eyes, and even your thought processes. They lubricate (clear) the arteries and are vital to the immune system.
These essential fatty acids were used by Dr. Joanna Budwig (nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize every year since 1979) to successfully treat terminal cancer patients, as well as those suffering from cardiovascular disease, glandular atrophy, gall stones, kidney degeneration, acne, dry skin, menstrual problems and immune deficiency.
This, as well as other research, prompted William Eidleman, M.D., UCLA, and R. Lee Hamilton, Ed.D., Ph.D., Medical Researcher-Biochemist UCLA Emeritus, to speak out on behalf of the life-giving values of cannabis hemp. They state:
These essential oils support the immune system and guard against viral and other insults to the immune system. Studies are in progress using the essential oils to support the immune systems of persons with the H.I.V. virus. So far they have been extremely promising.
What is the richest source of these essential oils? Yes, you guessed it, the seeds of the cannabis hemp plant The insane prohibitions against the most valuable plant on Earth, cannabis hemp, must yield to public demand The promise of super health and the possibility of feeding the world is at our fingertips.
Hempseed extracts, like soybeans, can be spiced to taste like chicken, steak, or pork and can be used to make tofu-type curd and margarine, at less cost than soybeans. Sprouting any seed improves its nutritional value and hemp can be sprouted and used like any other seed sprout for salads and cooking.
Sprouted hempseeds make milk, just as soybeans do, Alan Birdseed Brady of Santa Cruz, California and Abba Das of Colorado use this milk to make a delicious and nutritious ice cream in many flavors that actually lowers cholesterol levels.
Hempseed is ground and used like flour, or cooked, then sweetened and combined with milk to produce a nutritional breakfast cereal like oatmeal or cream of wheat. This type of porridge is known as a gruel. (Like the fiber, hempseeds will not get you high.)
Hempseed is a favorite bird seed because of its nourishing oily content. Incredibly, when cannabis hemp is grown for seed, half the weight of the mature, harvested female plant is seed!
English and European fishermen who cast in freshwater lakes and rivers first told me in 1995 that hempseed has always been the preferred bait in Europe for chumming the is, casting the hempseeds on the water causing the fish to scramble from all over to get the seeds, thereby getting caught. Not one of the many European fishermen I talked to know that hemp seeds and marijuana were one and the same. So hempseed is the favorite of fish, as well as most birds.
The byproduct of pressing hempseed for its nutritious vegetable oil is a high protein seed cake. Hempseed cake was one of the worlds principal animal feeds until this century. Hempseed can supply a nearly complete diet for all domesticated animals (dogs, cats), many farm animals and poultry, and allows animals maximum weight gain for less than current feed costs. And without any need for artificial growth steroids or other drugs currently poisoning the human race and food chain.
Isnt it strange that the number-one food of all time for most birds, fish, horses, humans, and life in general, is illegal to have naturally and healthfully in the United States of America, as ordered by the Drug Enforcement Administration and, through them, the USDA?
Spectre of Worldwide Famine |
By itself, widespread use of hempseed food protein could save many of the worlds children now dying of protein starvation! An estimated 60% of all children born in Third World countries (about 12-20 million a year) will die this way before reaching five years of age. Many times that number have their lives dramatically shortened and/or their brains decimated.
Remember, hemp is a hearty plant that grows almost anywhere, even in adverse conditions. Australians survived two prolonged famines in the 19th Century using almost nothing except hempseeds for protein and hemp leaves for roughage.
Furthermore, recent studies indicate that depletion of the ozone layer threatens to reduce world soya production by a substantial amount up to 30% or even 50%, depending on the fluctuation of the density of the ozone shield. But hemp, on the other hand, resists the damage caused by increasing ultraviolet radiation and actually flourishes in it by producing more cannabinoids which provide protection from ultraviolet light.
Its no wonder that some Central and South Americans hate America and want us out: they see us as ignorant killers. For years, our government demanded the paraquat poisoning of their lands; lands these farmers had grown cannabis on by law since 1545, when King Philip of Spain ordered it grown throughout his empire to provide food, sails, rope, towels, sheets, and shirts as well as providing one of the peoples most important medicines for fever, childbirth, epilepsy, and poultices for rheumatism in short, one of the oldest livelihoods, medicines, food staples, and relaxational pleasures.
In South and Central America today, anyone who is caught growing their old staple, cannabis, has his land expropriated and is imprisoned by the U.S. supported government/military leaders who then qualify for more American foreign and military aid in exchange for continuing this policy of wiping out cannabis.
A Fundamental Biological Link in the Food Chain |
Our politicians who made these marijuana prohibition laws based on years of disinformation (deliberate misinformation), may have doomed not only birds but also the human race to extinction from another direction.
Many animals eat birds and their eggs. Birds in the wild are essential to the food chain; and they continue to diminish in population due to, among other things, petrochemical pesticides, herbicides, and the lack of hempseed! With hempseed in their diet, birds will live 10-20% longer, have more offspring, and their feathers will have more luster and oil, allowing longer flight.
Prior to 1937, there were more than 10 million acres of seed-laden cannabis hemp growing wild in the U.S. Hundreds of millions of birds fed off them as their favorite and most necessary food until our government began its policy of total eradication of this most primary link in the food chain.
Oblivious to these inherent biocidal (killing all life) dangers, our government continues this insane policy to exterminate the Earths number-one life giving plant, both here and abroad.
In May 1998, the U.S. asked the United Nations to outlaw cannabis in all forms, including: medicine, food, paper, cloth, and any other use whatsoever. Our government wants to urge the United Nations to begin the largest and most comprehensive program of eradication of any plant in the history of the Earth, until not one hemp plant of any type remains. This is the recommendation of Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and his Republican congress, along with many of their Democratic partners in crime against the natural Earth.
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